Morgan Spring

Morgan Spring Revenue

The Morgan Spring produces 2.1 million gallons of water per day. It is distributed using the pump house that is located on East Main Street on the south side just west of Bradford Street. The spring serves as a backup water supply for the town of Bennington… this was really important after the Tropical Storm Irene when it was needed!

The town has a contract with Premium Waters to purchase water from the spring. Estimated annual revenues for the years 2022-2027 are expected to be $120,000.

Premium waters contributed $500,000 to fund the construction of the pump house that was completed in 2022. In return, Premium Waters is paying a reduced rate for the first five years of .0095¢ per gallon. After the first 5 years, the rate increases to 1.5¢ per gallon with a subsequent annual increase of 3% per year. 

The spring is located in the eastern portion of the property known as Memorial Park where the Bennington Community Recreation Center is located. The original pump house is located next to the source which is covered and fenced in. Historically, a small pond was located at the spring source. The stream outlet is covered until just past Safford Street where it re-emerges just west of the roadway.